Friday, September 18, 2015

Further up the Saguenay Fjord

Hi F and F, 
Well , day was sunny but winds started to get up.We debated about when to head up for our anchoring spot to the most beautiful bay in the whole Fjord.
After consulting the wind app we decided to spend most of the day here at Anse Staint Jean then head up late afternoon when the winds were due to die down . So before breakfast we made the best of it and took off to find Madame Louise's Boulangerie noted for her pasties a little way down the road.
Shop sign said open but sadly no Madame ,so we carried on to find a famouss covered bridge another  km .And find it we did.Very interesting with art work inside.

Then we headed back Madame still not open despite the open sign on the window and headed instead for the Cafe du Quai where their specially was crepes.
We had a delicious breakfast. Graeme had egg , ham and cheese crepe and I had the ladies favorite , pear, goat cheese and sliced almonds. We sat on the balcony overlooking the Bay and the Marina.
Later in e afternoon we went for another walk and found the Boulangerie open but erupt little inside .We chose the remaining pie , a strawberry and rhubarb one.Be good for dessert tonight .
For the rest of the time we watched the activities at the Marina and the boat cruising companies loading and off loading passengers. Winds were still a bit gusty so we waited til 4 pm to make our move.

Several of the Marina sailors were preparing their boats to haul out for the season and we were sorry to miss the procedure.
Apparently they wait til high tide around 6 pm today,then they sail around to the ramp and float their boats onto single trailers and bring them onto land for the winter. Lots of camaraderie and chatting as they spend the day preparing for the big event!
So time to go north and it was a short 35 min trip. We arrived in the Bay and searched for one of the three mooring balls there.
One was taken on the right bank by a sailing Catamaran near the dock to the National Park so we took the left bank ball. The third one sits in the center of the Bay.The water underneath us was a very dark blue almost black. This fjord is very deep registering 1,000 ft in some places.
Fortunately the mooring ball was on a shelf at only 30 ft.Dropped the dingy down and went to register and pay the $15 for the night There is an honesty box at the dock or you can go to the Park's visitors center. Sadly there used to be at least 12 and even up to 20 mooring balls but now only three remain.
The walk through the Park to the center was lovely and on the Bay we saw two ground hogs , very tame ! Lots of tracks well groomed for hiking the area.
Back to our boat and time for a drink and dinner out in the cockpit surrounded by majestic mountains and the sun setting .It was so peaceful and quiet with cicadas and ducks to keep us company.Just wonderful, so glad we made the effort to do this.
I did a check of the mooring ball before we went to bed and it was sitting nicely .Wind had completely died down.
Over and Out, 
S and S.

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