Thursday, September 15, 2016

Off to Pebble Isle Marina in New Johnsonville TN

Hi F and F, 
Yet another beautiful day ! Water still calm, and very little wind.
At 8 am we awoke to a big rocking motion.So guess what showed up , that caused it! A monster grey luxury yacht! About 120 ft long on its way south and it took about 1300 gallons of fuel at the fuel dock here.They try to run at 40 knots and plan to get to Florida in four days.
Erica went off for a walk after we chatted to the owner and crew , to get some exercise and check out the hotel and conference complex. Also got to see more lovely views of the Kentucky lake.
Once the grey monster had fueled up we followed them out back into the river  and they were soon out of sight.
On the way we did get up on plane but had to slow down on occasions for the fishermen and speed boats and also a car ferry that ran across the river between Danville and Faxon.
We saw an abandoned half complete bridge and an abandoned structure sitting nearby in the water.
That turned out to be a building used for shipping grain on the Tennessee  River.Story goes they tried to destroy the building but it was so well built they couldn't and decided to just leave it in place!
Shortly after that we turned off the river and came into a protected harbor and the Marina.
Fueled up and then later had dinner at the floating restaurant called Grey Heron on site.
Got our fill of fried catfish, fried shrimp and fried clams. 
Then went for a walk to find the Civil War  memorial which was shut , it closed at sunset.
Saw lots of trailers parked on the way, many looked very permanent with everything connected up for year round use.
Also saw a lovely sunset to complete the evening.
Over and out, 
E and G


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