Thursday, October 1, 2015

First set of locks on St Lawrence Seaway

Hi F and  F, 
Well we got the sunshine back today although the wind was still with us 10 to 15 knots!But at least it would be behind us most of today!
Graeme had spent some time organizing the timetable when the big cargo ships were planning to go through the four locks.They take priority over us pleasure boaters!
We set off around 9 am and struck our first wait even though the first cargo ship was just exiting the first lock.
Apparently bridge work wa seeing carried out so they decided to give us an hour and half wait and then we would go in with a U.S. Coast guard vessel .The system worked well, but time consuming.Yuo first tie up at a small floating outside the lock.You get off and walk to a phone where you call the lock Master .Also at that time. You pay by credit card $30 for each lock.fortunatlry some of the locks go in pairs so you only pay once , others are individual payments!
You then receive a ticket which you hand to the lock master once the lock process has finished. 
Onto the second lock of this pair of locks ( about 7 miles apart)with our Coast Guard friends behind , going about 6 knots.That all went fairly smoothly. 
Onto the second pair of locks and we just missed getting there before a very big cargo ship was in the furthest away lock.We were able to enter the first one but on completion needed to wait just over  an hour until we could pass the cargo ship that was slowly exiting his lock.

Then another surprise , we had to wait for two bridges ! We had fallen behind from our well planned schedule and  it was 6pm by the time we crossed under the second bridge , having waited about another hour for the openings of those two.
We needed to get to a Marina closer than our original plan of Cornwall and chose Salaberry de Valleyfield! Or Valleyfied Marina for short.
Graeme called the dock master and although she said she wouldn't be around, we could chose one of two slips in the Marina .It was 6.30 pm by the time we got there and found  the slips were too small and the depths were questionable   Going downto 1 ft In places!I suggested to Graeme, lets just tie up at the fuel dock. We were too tired and needed to stop .So we did.I had planned dinner but with no electricity and not wanting to run a generator beside a fuel dock , we went out and found a local Resto/Pub .It was very lively and was just perfect Steak and frites and veg. Back to the boat we were In visaging a cold night with no heating , but the security guard came around and offered to plug us into the electric system from another dock! He was most helpful and friendly. So all is good .Now time for bed after a 9 1/2 hour day!
Over and Out, 
S and S

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