Monday, July 27, 2015

Boston Harbor here we come! 24 th July

Hi there F and F,
Another sunny day and light winds for our trip North up the coast This is a short journey  of just over one hour. There were lots and lots of lobster pots around the coast , so we moved out into deeper water to avoid as many as possible. Fortunately the brightly colored buoys the lobster fishermen use were easy to see in the water. Coming in from Massachusetts Bay we entered Nantasket Roads and took the short cut into Presidents Roads!
Sounds like we were following  a car map! There was a lot of traffic, big ferries , tugboats , fishing boats and cruisers and sailboats. Graeme had to wind his way through all this and we passed picturesque waterfront with high rise buildings of Boston City and down a short channel of the Charles River to our home for the next four days , Constituion Marina.
When Graeme hailed the dock captain , Sebastian he said although they were very full we could park one boat behind the other on a slip that was 80 feet long. ( Fortunately ,we had booked our slips here four months ago) Doing the math was simple .We were two 48 to 50 ft boats, so that wasn't going to work!!
In the end he came through and although Roger had to wait at the entrance for an hour on his skyhook to keep the boat in place , they rearranged two other boats and he got a great slip ,by the main office. Once settled we spied another 48 ft Sabre in the Marina.
It turns out Sue and Chris keep there boat here permanently and they are planning to go up to the Sabre Reunion also. We had a nice chat with them and on their recommendation found an Italian restaurant for dinner over in Hanover Street in the city. It's called Lucca North End.
We did some long overdue washing such as sheet and towels .I had already checked out the laundry facilities they had brand new machines and also very nice bathrooms , all single units .Best we have see so far.
After dinner , back to the boats and guess what an early bedtime again!
Over and Out ,
 S and S

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