Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 16 off to Georgetown

Hi there F&F
Got up to a misty day and decided to wait a half hour for it to clear. Left about 8.30am and started off back down the ICW.Two other boats were chugging along ahead of us.First time we have really ha dcompany.There was a lovely stretch of canal not unlike the Dismal Swamp for most of the way .all Cypress trees lined the way and the water was very still.We had to avoid quite a lot of water lilies growing in the canal and also several floating logs, some were quite large.So its important to keep alert , you don't want damage done to those expensive propellers!We had a swing bridge of 11 ft to wait briefly for an opening, but no dramas this time. I was able to download on the I Pad and listen to a sermon from my church Cornerstone in Leesburg Virginia along the way. Then  I prepared lunch on board ( one of the benefits of traveling by boat ) something you can't really do so easily traveling by car or RV ( Campervan). We arrived at 1 pm and then after tying up went for a walk through the town.We were here for Graeme' s birthday just over a year ago.The town is doing ok ,barely.Several restaurants still open ,but unfortunately our favorite The Rice Paddy was closed Sunday.We had heard the Krazy Fish Restaurant / Bar had great food so decided to wander back in the evening and try it out.As we entered there was a cockatoo bird sitting on top of his cage saying" Hello."This bird belongs to the owner of the restaurant and the husband walked around with it on his arm .Quite a talkative bird it was too and most entertaining.They think its about 25 yrs old.Also there was an Italian Mastiff dog wandering about belonged to one of the staff.It looked a bit like a Sharpei without all the wrinkles and was a very calm and quiet dog fortunately. Well, the food was good , but the biggest surprise came when we received the bill!I kid you not, there was no mention of food.
Laptop bag $ 9.95 was Graeme's entree
Laptop bag $8.95 was my entree
Laptop bag $ 3.50 was the soup
Wallets     $ 2.50 was my beer
Tote bag $5.50 was Graeme's glass of wine
Tote bag $5.50 was Graeme's 2nd glass of wine.
Were they posing as a Bag shop perhaps?
Oh well, I guess crazy can be spelt many ways!

Over and out

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