Tuesday, November 15, 2011

First day out on the Chesapeake

Hi Everybody,
Well ,we left just after noon once we had picked up John and Rhonda Griiffith ( our travelling companions for part the way down the ICW) The Kyles and Lewises gave us their best rendering of " Now is the hour for us to say goodbye " , as they waved us off on our journey south.
Seas were about 1 to 3 ft and there wasplenty of  sun and wind , great for sailors but not quite so good for us. 4 1/2 hours later we arrived at Deltaville Marina our first stop just as the sun was setting .On the way we saw  some brown pelicans normally found south of here ,but some stray birds seem to enjoy an adventure north! Also saw two F 16 aircraft pass by at high speed then we watched them descend down to the runway at the Paxtuent Naval Base.
So ends this first day!

1 comment:

  1. Great update Mum. Hope you guys get down to the warmer weather soon :)
